
The First State of Being

 by Erin Entrada Kelly Genre:  Science Fiction Michael and Giddy aren't sure what to make of the new kid who has mysteriously appeared in the courtyard of their apartment building.  The kid is acting strangely and is dressed unusually.  When they finally speak to him, he tells them that his name is Ridge and that he is from the future.  Michael and Giddy don't really believe him until he talks more about the future and shows them the device that got him to their small town.  Michael is more worried about what is going to happen on January 1, 2000, but Giddy wants to know more about how they can help Ridge.  Can Michael put his worries aside and help Ridge get back to where he belongs?

Not Nothing

 by Gayle Forman Genre:  Realistic Fiction, Historical Fiction Alex has just been sentenced by a judge to serve community service for his entire summer. Alex isn't angry with the judge, he knows what he did was wrong and knows that he has to try to put things right. But Alex has had a rough time of it. His mom needed to be hospitalized and when she left too soon, he was placed first in foster care, and then with his aunt and uncle who really didn't want him.  His community service is at an assisted living facility and he has to help the staff take care of the elderly residents.  Alex knows nothing about how to work with old people so he is prepared for the worst.  Instead, he meets some wonderful people who will end up helping him find real value to a life that has felt all mixed up.

Dear Student

 by Elly Swartz Genre:  Realistic Fiction Middle school is a struggle for Autumn.  Her best friend has moved away and her dad has joined the Peace Corps.  Before he left, he told her that she should do one fearless thing this school year.  She doesn't know what that would be, until the school newspaper is looking for someone to write the Dear Student column.  Autumn applies and is surprised when she is chosen.  Her identity will remain hidden as she advises her fellow students on their problems.  At first Autumn really likes the job, but then she realizes that some of the people writing to her are her friends.  Why wouldn't her friends talk to her directly about their problems?  Autumn suddenly finds herself stuck in a tricky situation.

We Are Big Time

by Hena Khan Genre:  Realistic Fiction, Graphic Novel  Aliya has moved from Florida to Wisconsin and everything is different, except for that fact that she loves to play basketball.  Aliya played on a decent rec team in Florida because her school did not have a girls' team.  She is excited to learn that her new school does, except for the fact that only 9 girls show up for tryouts and they pretty much stink.  However, the school has hired a new coach so maybe there is a chance that they can all learn some new skills and succeed as a team.

Golden Girl

 by Reem Faruqi Genre:  Realistic Fiction, Novel in Verse Aafiyah Qamar has a bad habit.  Her fingers get itchy and before she can stop them, they take things that don't belong to her.  Her parents would be so angry if they knew, but they are so busy with their own troubles that it is easy for her to hide what is happening.  Her father has been detained in Pakistan and the family is having to spend a lot of money on lawyer bills.  Her grandfather is being treated for cancer and doesn't have insurance so the bills are adding up.  Her mother is just trying to keep everyone afloat.  Will Aafiyah be able to hide her secret?


 by Johnathan Todd Genre:  Realistic Fiction, Graphic Novel Cecil and his family have just moved from Florida to Boston so he it anxious about how he will fit in in his new school and his new neighborhood.  His sister tries to give him some advice, but that just makes him more nervous.  Cecil is an artist and loves to spend his time drawing comics.  His dad thinks it is kind of a waste of time so Cecil is trying to figure out a way for his dad to see that comics are important to him and can actually earn him some money and respect.  But when someone gets a hold of Cecil's drawing and uses it against him, Cecil will have to figure out how to stand up for himself.


 by Christina Diaz Gonzalez and Gabriela Epstein Genre:  Realistic Fiction and Graphic Novel 5 kids who nobody pays any attention to, suddenly have come up with a plan to help someone out who is struggling.  They have been stuck together on a community service project because they all have one thing in common - they speak Spanish.  Other than that, they are nothing alike and have no desire to be lumped together in a group.  The strategy of staying invisible has worked for a long time, but they realize that if they work together, they might all benefit, even if it means sharing some of their secrets with each other.