
Showing posts from February, 2025

The Lucky Ones

 by Linda Williams Jackson Genre:  Historical Fiction Ellis Earl Brown has big dreams.  He would like to be a teacher or a lawyer or someday, or maybe both!  But growing up poor in Mississippi is making it hard for him to stay focused on his dreams. He has eight siblings and his momma has a hard time finding enough work that will keep food on the table. When his teacher invites him to memorize a speech for the Easter breakfast, Ellis Earl decides to give public speaking a try.  Can he use his voice to help his family have a better life?

Ellen Outside the Lines

 by A.J. Sass Genre:  Realistic Fiction Ellen knows that she is different then other kids.  In order for her to best function, she needs to have every detail planned out in her life. She has one best friend, Laurel, and they have planned to be in the same group during a class trip to Spain.  When Ellen learns that she and Laurel will not be in the same group, she is panicking that things will not work out okay.  Ellen learns to adjust to this and other changes throughout the trip and while she and Laurel have some ups and downs, Ellen learns that there are advantages to getting to know other kids too.  Ellen realizes that sometimes changes and surprises can turn out to be okay.

The First State of Being

 by Erin Entrada Kelly Genre:  Science Fiction Michael and Giddy aren't sure what to make of the new kid who has mysteriously appeared in the courtyard of their apartment building.  The kid is acting strangely and is dressed unusually.  When they finally speak to him, he tells them that his name is Ridge and that he is from the future.  Michael and Giddy don't really believe him until he talks more about the future and shows them the device that got him to their small town.  Michael is more worried about what is going to happen on January 1, 2000, but Giddy wants to know more about how they can help Ridge.  Can Michael put his worries aside and help Ridge get back to where he belongs?

Not Nothing

 by Gayle Forman Genre:  Realistic Fiction, Historical Fiction Alex has just been sentenced by a judge to serve community service for his entire summer. Alex isn't angry with the judge, he knows what he did was wrong and knows that he has to try to put things right. But Alex has had a rough time of it. His mom needed to be hospitalized and when she left too soon, he was placed first in foster care, and then with his aunt and uncle who really didn't want him.  His community service is at an assisted living facility and he has to help the staff take care of the elderly residents.  Alex knows nothing about how to work with old people so he is prepared for the worst.  Instead, he meets some wonderful people who will end up helping him find real value to a life that has felt all mixed up.