Under Locker and Key

by Alison K. Hymas
Lexile:  630
Genre:  Mystery

Jeremy Wilderson is a retrieval specialist.  If something has been stolen from you or lost, Jeremy is the one you hire to get it back for you.  So Jeremy isn't at all suspicious the day that Mark shows up at his back door asking him to help get his missing house key back.  However, when Mark tells him that he can probably find the house key in the janitor's closet at school, Jeremy should have seen that has a red flag.  Jeremy gets Mark the key which turns out to be the master key to the school so now Mark has access to everybody's lockers.  Soon, things start to disappear and Jeremy's enemy, Becca Mills, a self-proclaimed private investigator, is on the case.  Will Jeremy and Becca have to team up to put a stop to this middle school crimewave?


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